How To Choose The Best Water Purifier For Your Home

How To Choose The Best Water Purifier For Your Home

Water is essential for life, but not all water is safe to drink. Even in developed countries, the quality of tap water can vary widely, and contaminants like lead, bacteria, and chemicals can pose serious health risks. In Singapore, even though the water is safe to drink, the taste and temperature still need to be adjusted. That's why many people choose to invest in a water purifier for their homes. However, there are many water purifier brands and types, making it difficult to choose. This blog will help you choose the best water purifier for your home. We'll find the right solution for your drinking water's taste, safety, or environmental impact! So keep reading!

Common Contaminants Found In Water in your home

Many types of contaminants can be found in the water in your home. Some of the most common include:

  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Bacteria and viruses are microorganisms that can be present in untreated or poorly treated water. Some common types of bacteria found in water include E. coli and Salmonella, which can cause severe gastrointestinal illnesses. Hepatitis A and Norovirus can spread through contaminated water, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Water disinfected with chlorine or ultraviolet light removes these microorganisms.

  • Chemicals
  • Many chemicals can make water safe to drink, but high concentrations can be harmful. Chlorine kills bacteria and viruses, but it also reacts with organic matter in water to form disinfection byproducts (DBPs) like cancer-causing trihalomethanes (THMs).

    Too much fluoride can cause fluorosis, which discolors and whitens teeth. Agricultural pesticides and herbicides can also pollute groundwater.

  • Heavy metals
  • Pipes, soil, and natural deposits can leach lead, arsenic, and mercury into the water. Lead, which can harm children's development and cognition, is common in older homes with lead pipes and fixtures.

    Some groundwater sources contain naturally occurring arsenic, which can cause cancer and other health issues. High doses of mercury in industrial water can cause neurological problems.

  • Sediments
  • Sediments like dirt, sand, and other particles can make the water look cloudy or gritty and affect its taste. These particles can clog pipes and damage water-using appliances like dishwashers and washing machines.

  • Hardness
  • Hard water is water that contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium. It can make water taste strange and leave deposits on pipes and appliances. Hard water can also reduce the effectiveness of soaps and detergents and cause skin irritation.

  • Radon
  • Radon is a radioactive gas that can seep into water from the ground. It can cause lung cancer if inhaled and is considered a significant health risk in some areas. Aeration or activated carbon filtration can eliminate radon from water.


    Types of Water Purifiers

    Water purifiers remove contaminants that may include bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and other harmful impurities. Water purifiers use multiple technologies to remove unwanted chemicals and make the water tasty and potable. Before choosing the best water purifier for your home, here are some of the most common technologies used in water purifiers:

    Reverse Osmosis (RO)

    Reverse osmosis is a way to clean water that uses a semi-permeable membrane to get rid of impurities. In RO, water is pushed through a membrane under pressure, and the membrane allows only the water molecules to pass through while blocking larger molecules like minerals, bacteria, viruses, and other impurities. The RO process can remove up to 99% of the impurities present in water, making it one of the most effective technologies for purifying water.

    Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilization

    UV sterilization is a water purification technology that uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water. In this process, water is exposed to UV light, which damages the DNA of microorganisms, rendering them unable to reproduce or cause infections. UV sterilization is especially good at getting rid of water-borne pathogens, and it is often used with other purification methods to ensure that all impurities are gone.

    Activated Carbon

    Activated carbon is a porous material that is treated with oxygen to make it more absorbent. It is often used in water purifiers to remove organic impurities, such as pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals that can be harmful to human health. The activated carbon removes impurities from the water by attracting them to its surface, which traps them.

    Ion Exchange

    Ion exchange is a water purification technology that exchanges ions in the water with other ions to remove impurities. This process involves passing water through a resin bed containing resin beads that are specifically designed to remove certain ions from the water. For example, ion exchange can be used to remove calcium and magnesium ions, which are responsible for water hardness.

    These four technologies are commonly used in water purifiers to remove impurities and contaminants from water. Each technology has its pros and cons, and depending on the specific contaminants in the water, a combination of technologies may be used to make sure that the water is completely clean.

    Things To Consider When Choosing The Best Water Purifier For Your Home

    Factors to Consider


    Water Quality

    Identify the contaminants present in your water and choose a purifier that can remove them effectively.

    Purification Technology

    Choose a technology that is suitable for your water quality and meets your needs. Examples include reverse osmosis, activated carbon, UV, and UF.


    Choose a purifier that can meet the daily water requirements of your family.


    Choose a purifier that is easy to maintain and comes with a user-friendly manual.


    To ensure that a water purifier meets quality standards, look for certification from reputable organizations like NSF, WQA, and the FDA.


    Choose a purifier that falls within your budget and offers the best value for money.


    Choose a reputable brand that offers good customer support and after-sales service. Invest in a reliable brand that provides a warranty and technical support.


    Consider if the purifier has features that can be changed, like temperature levels, pH levels, or alerts for when the filter needs to be replaced. These features can help you tailor the purifier's performance to your needs.


    Which Is The Best Water Purifier For Your Home

    The Steriluxe Aurra Pro 2 water purifier is designed to provide safe, clean, and great-tasting water for the whole family. 

    It is the smartest water purifier in Singapore, with a range of advanced features that make it a top choice for many households. This water purifier uses UV-C sterilization technology to eliminate 99.9% of the bacteria and viruses in the water, making it safe to drink. The Steriluxe Aurra Pro 2 also uses reverse osmosis to remove heavy metals, chemicals, and other contaminants from the water. 

    It also has a customizable dispenser that lets you get hot and cold water at the touch of a button, making it convenient for everyday use. The Steriluxe Aurra Pro 2 is designed with smart features that make it easy to use and maintain, including water intake and filter replacement reminders. Overall, the Steriluxe Aurra Pro 2 is a high-quality water purifier that is designed to provide safe and clean drinking water for your family.


    Having access to clean and safe drinking water is essential for our health and well-being, and investing in a high-quality water purifier is a smart decision. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one, but by considering the Steriluxe Aurra Pro 2, you can have the smartest water purifier for your household.

    Investing in a high-quality water purifier is an investment in your health and peace of mind. Cheers to clean and safe drinking water in your home!


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the healthiest way to filter water?

    The healthiest way to filter water is to do it in a way that gets rid of harmful contaminants but keeps the minerals that are good for you. Both reverse osmosis and activated carbon filters can eliminate bacteria, viruses, lead, and chemicals, but they may also eliminate minerals that are good for you. Ceramic filters, on the other hand, can remove harmful contaminants while retaining important minerals. This makes them a healthier choice. Also, filtration with ultraviolet (UV) light can kill bacteria and viruses without changing the minerals in the water.

    Is a water purifier good for drinking?

    Yes, a water purifier is a good option for drinking water, as it can effectively remove harmful contaminants and make the water safe to drink. By getting rid of these harmful substances, water purifiers make drinking water clean and safe, which is important for staying healthy. However, it is important to choose a water purifier that is suitable for your specific needs and effectively removes the contaminants present in your water source.

    Can you drink purified water every day?

    Yes, you can drink purified water every day as long as it comes from a reliable and trustworthy source. Purified water is free of harmful contaminants that can cause health problems, making it safe and healthy to drink regularly. However, it is important to note that purified water may not contain beneficial minerals that are naturally found in water sources, so it is important to ensure that you are getting these minerals from other sources, such as a healthy diet.

    Is purified water acidic?

    Purified water is typically neutral with a pH level of around 7.0, which is neither acidic nor alkaline. However, the pH level of purified water can vary depending on the source and the specific purification process used. Some water purification processes, such as reverse osmosis, can remove minerals from the water, which can make the water slightly acidic.

    Is a water purifier better than boiling water?

    Both water purifiers and boiling water can remove harmful contaminants, but the choice depends on the specific contaminants present in the water source. Water purifiers are convenient and effective at removing a wide range of contaminants, while boiling water can kill microorganisms but may not remove other harmful substances.

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